You have a place here. No matter your previous experiences inside or outside of the church, we invite you to come alongside us on a journey to encounter God and grow in the ways of Christ.
Orchestra and Praise Team led at 8 & 9:30 AM. in the Classic Venue
Band led at 9:30 & 11 AM in the Modern Venue
Online Classic Worship at 9:30 AM.
Online Modern Worship at 11 AM.
Community is important to everyone, even your kids. Starting at birth, we have Life Groups for kids to engage and learn about God in an age-appropriate setting.
Your children will cultivate their faith with friends their age as they learn about Jesus together through Life Groups, activites, and Wednesday night activities.
Your teenager has a safe place here to encounter God and develop new relationships.
There are many ways to get involved with others in your stage of life, find a place where you’ll fit right in.