Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous for the Lord is with you.
Children Life Groups meets on Sunday mornings
during the 9:30 and 11 AM services.
Kids Spot Sign Ups - On Tuesdays this summer from 9 AM - 2 PM, kids in grade K-5 (completed) will experience 8 different activities at the church. Sign up for one or more events. Limited spaces available, place is saved when payment is made. Each event is $15. NO REFUNDS
Simple & fun
Life Group is our Bible Study group time on Sunday mornings. We teach the main stories and truths of the Bible to lay a foundation for a child's faith in Christ. Life group meets at 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
On Wednesday nights from 6 - 7 PM we offer "Trek"
Trek combines K - 5th graders for a night of Kids Worship which includes activities, play, worship songs, and a Bible Story just for kids.
Throughout the year we offer a multitude of activities to get to develop strong bonds with kids and their parents.
These activities include Children’s Camp,
Parents Night Outs, Family Ice Cream Party, Kite Day, Milestones, Trunk or Treat, Cookies and Jams, Family Mission Trip, Etc.
In the Summer months we offer "Kids Spot" on Tuesday's from 9 AM - 2 PM with themed weekly activites.
Jonathan Brown