
Loving and teaching preschoolers the way God created them to learn

Preschool Life Groups meet at 8 am, 9:30 am and 11 am.

Tot Spot Sign Ups - Preschoolers will participate in themed activities as well as a Bible Study. Tot Spot will be held every Tuesday starting June 10th - July 29th from 9 AM - 2 PM, and is for Preschoolers who have birthdays from September 2019 - August 2023. The cost is $200 for all camps. No Refunds. Preschoolers will need to bring a blanket, change of clothes and a sack lunch.

Themes for Tot Spot:

  • Chalk Day
  • Farm Animal Day
  • Bubble Day
  • Patriot Day
  • Popcorn Day
  • Popsicle Day 
  • Sensory Walk Day
  • Water Day

Sign Up


First Temple Preschool Ministry wants to partner with parents to lay a spiritual foundation in the life of every preschooler. We do this by teaching the Bible through fun, creative, hands-on learning in a clean and safe environment every time your preschooler is at church.

Common Questions

  • What do I need to do each time I bring my child?

    Please check your child in at a computer. You will receive 3 child name tags. 

    The first name tag goes to your child’s teacher. It has your cell phone number in case of emergencies as well as any allergy alerts. 

    The second name tag goes on your child. 

    The third tag you keep with you in order to pick up your child. 

    Give your child a hug and tell them you love them. Then let the teacher take them into the room.

  • What class will my child be in?

    Your child is placed in a class according to his/her

    birthday. The classes have between six to nine months of preschoolers your child’s age.

  • Who will be teaching my child?

    Volunteers from our church will teach your child. All preschool volunteers have been screened and trained.

  • What will my child do in their Life Group class?

    Every class has a Bible lesson that is

    taught each Sunday. We provide fun, creative hands on learning in the following centers:

    art, blocks, books, home, nature and puzzles. Two year olds and older preschoolers also

    have a group time where the Bible story is told. During the 9:30 hour we provide a

    snack. During the 11:00 hour kids have a turn on the indoor playground.

  • Who can pick up my child?

    When you bring your child on a Sunday morning, you will check them in at a computer. Name tags will be printed for your child. One of the name

    tags is a child pickup tag. Your child will only be released to you when you present the pickup tag at your child’s door. No one else may pick up your child.

  • How will you contact me if I am needed?

    We will text you to come back to the preschool area. If you don’t respond, we will come find you.

Contact Us

Have a question or need special accommodations?
Call, email, or fill out this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Jenni Manriquez

Preschool Minister


Contact Us

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