Community Partners

Serve our Community Partners

Our community partners are expecting an increased need in healthy, non-vulnerable volunteers to fill in the gaps for those volunteers who have had to isolate themselves for protection. If you are comfortable and willing, Feed My Sheep (feeding ministry in Temple) and Helping Hands (food pantry and resource center in Belton) could use some help:
  • At Feed My Sheep, go to their website to fill out the volunteer application
  • At Helping Hands, help is needed to delivery meals to those in need. Please contact Bekah Prince at or 817.319.7970 to get signed up.
Need for Blood Donations
The Baylor Scott & White Blood Center is in urgent need for all types of blood. Appointments can be made through or by calling 254-724-4376. Donors should bring a photo ID and be prepared for a COVID-19 screening upon arrival. Plan to spend 45-60 minutes there.
Make Mask Instructions
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