Update OLD

Re-Gathering FAQs

We are so excited to re-gather soon! As we prepare for services on June 28th,

we wanted to answer some frequently asked questions.

When are services?

Services will meet in our Classic Venue at 8 and 9:30 a.m. and in our Modern Venue at 9:30 and 11. There will be live preaching in all services. 

Will services continue online?

Yes! Our Classic service will be streamed live at 9:30 a.m. and our Modern service will be streamed live at 11 each Sunday on Facebook, YouTube and firsttemple.org/live

Is in-person regathering recommended for everyone?

We continue to encourage those in the most vulnerable populations (those over 65 or who have underlying health conditions) to continue to engage in worship online. If you aren’t ready to regather, no problem! We are committed to making our online experience as good as possible and invite you to join with us there. 

How early can I arrive before the service so I can secure a seat? 

The doors will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the worship service. Our ushers will seat worshipers to ensure proper social distancing.

Where should I park? 

Directions will be given as you enter the parking lot, but Classic Worship attenders should plan to park in the west side parking area, and Modern Worship attenders should plan to park in the east side parking area.

What forms of social distancing will be practiced? 

We will encourage six-feet between those who are not of the same household; thus, no hugs, handshakes, fist bumps, ankle taps, etc. In worship, three seats will be left between worshipers who are not in the same household. 

Which door should I enter? 

There will be one outer entrance for each of the worship venues—Classic worship attendees will enter via the north doors under the covered drive through, and Modern worship attendees will enter through the east doors next to the Modern Worship Venue.

Is there a limit on people in the services? 

Our capacity will be determined by our ability to seat people with proper social distancing, so the total number will vary depending on the size of households that sit together.

What if some in my family want to worship in different styles/venues? 

Please note, since each worship venue will have one dedicated entrance each, there will be no access between the two worship venues except to leave the building, walk outside and around the building to the entrance designated for the other worship venue.

Will the cafe be open?

No. At this time, the cafe and drip coffee will not be available. 

Is there any childcare or Life Groups for kids on Sunday mornings?

At this time, we will not have any childcare or Life Groups for preschool or children. Parents are encouraged to bring their kids with them into the worship services. 

Do families sit together?


Do I have to wear a mask?

On the recommendation of national, state, and local leaders - we are asking all worshipers to wear a mask when they are in the building. 

Do kids have to wear a mask?

The Center for Disease Control suggests all children over the age of 2 wear a mask. 

How long will services be?

You can expect the worship service to last around 45 minutes. 

Can I use the restrooms?

Although the restrooms will be open and cleaned between services, we recommend that you plan ahead and try to minimize the need to use the church facilities.  This to help limit your exposure by touching restroom doors and stall doors.

How is the building being cleaned?

Between services cleaning of touch services will be done using disinfectants.  During the week the entire building is cleaned and disinfected per CDC recommendations.

Will I have to touch any surfaces, door handles or check-in screens?

No. The outside and sanctuary doors will be opened by volunteers.  There will be no check-in.  The exception is use of the restroom facilities as mentioned above.

Why aren’t Life Groups meeting in the building on Sunday?

In order to maintain appropriate social distancing and not exceed capacity limits in our building, Life Groups will meet off site or in the church building during the week. 

Will I be able to meet with a minister before/after in-person services? 

Ministers are available via phone or zoom meetings that can be set up by calling the office or by email. Find minister’s contact info here.

Will bulletins or the offering plate be passed?

No. You will be able to give online, through our app, or by dropping your gift into a collection basket by the worship venue doors. Our bulletin will be available digitally through our website and First Temple App. We will also have video announcements in each service to keep you up to date with what is happening at First Temple. 

How can I help?

Please pray for our church and our community. We know these measures won’t last forever, but we all want to be united in doing our best to serve each other and our community in this time. If you want to help volunteer on a Sunday morning, click here.

June 2 Update

Video Update Summary:
  • Yesterday, June 1st, we began regathering as a church through our Adult and Student Life Groups, who were encouraged to begin meeting this week in-person in outdoor, open-air spaces
  • Starting Monday, June 15th, Adult and Student Life Groups will be encouraged to meet indoors – in homes, community spaces, or even at the church (Life Group leaders will hear from their ministry leaders about those details).
  • Sunday, June 28th, we will begin in-person worship services at the church. There will be no nursery, preschool, or childcare. We ask everyone to wear a mask and practice social distancing, and we encourage the vulnerable population to continue to watch online. We will offer the following services:
    • Classic Services in the Classic Venue: 8 and 9:30 a.m.
    • Modern Services in the Modern Venue: 9:30 and 11 a.m.
  • Lastly, as we plan to regather, we need your help! Please sign up here to volunteer.

May 14 Update

Video Highlights:

*We will continue to pause all gatherings through the end of May
*Until further notice, all worship gatherings will remain paused and online only

*Starting Monday, June 1, Adult Life Groups and Youth Life Groups (grades 6-12) may begin meeting in person under following guidelines:
  • Members of our Vulnerable Population (those age 65+ and those with underlying health conditions) are encouraged to be safe and stay home.
  • Limited to 12 in attendance.
  • Please meet in non-confined spaces such as yards, parks, or outdoor spaces at the church (i.e. parking lot, covered porch or prayer trail).
    • Special note for meetings using the outdoor spaces at the church: chairs, tables and restroom facilities will not be available.
  • All meeting attendees are responsible for proper hand hygiene and for practicing social distancing of at least 6 feet kept between non-family members. No hugs, handshakes, fist bumps or ankle taps.
  • Masks are strongly encouraged for all attendees. 
  • No shared food or beverages.
  • Lastly, anyone feeling ill, running fever, having a cough or who has been exposed to someone with symptoms of the Coronavirus should stay home. 
If you attend First Temple but don’t have a Life Group, now is prime time to find one. Please go to our Life Groups ministry page to learn how to get connected.

Thank you for responding to the survey! We had an incredible response of 383 entries.

Let's Continue to Be the Church

Connect with our Community Partners

We are partnering with Feed My Sheep, Helping Hands and Un-Included Club. Click below to see how you can get involved with our community partners! 

You are Not Alone!

Fill out this form if you’d like to connect with someone. Even though we can’t meet in person, we can use technology to our advantage. And we'd love to connect with you!

Be a Good Neighbor

Let your neighbors know that you’re willing to help. Print out the Help Card (or create your own) and give it to your neighbor.

Give Online

We want to make sure we stay in a strong financial position to help ministry partners and our highest-need neighbors in the community.

Join Us for Live Prayer

Our ministers are leading us in live prayer on Facebook Monday through Thursday at noon.

Continue to
Be the Church
Connect with Our Community Partners
We are partnering with Feed my Sheep, Helping Hands and Un-Included Club. Click below to see how you can get involved with our community partners
Community Partners
You are Not Alone
Fill out the form below if you’d like to connect with someone. Even though we can’t meet in person, we can use technology to our advantage.
Not Alone Form
Be a Good Neighbor
Let your neighbors know that you’re willing to help. Print out the Help Card (or create your own) and give it to your neighbor.
Help Card
Continue to Give
We want to make sure we stay in a strong financial position to help ministry partners and our highest-need neighbors in the community.
Give Online
Join Us For Live Prayer
Our ministers are leading us in prayer each day Monday-Thursday at noon on Facebook Live. Join us!
Midday Prayer
Jim is posting a midweek message on Wednesdays in addition to weekend Life Group videos, questions, and devotionals. Find these resources for students on YouTube and Facebook.

Jonathan is sharing a children's message every Thursday in the YouTube children's channel.
Update: Due to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus, we are not having Sports Camp this summer. We are still hoping to do other summer activities for kids, so stay tuned!

Lee Anne Pebsworth is emailing a Bible lesson to preschoolers and their parents every Thursday.

Starting next Wednesday at 8 p.m., Evan Duncan is starting a summer Bible study for college-aged adults. We'll meet via Zoom and we're starting with the book of Jonah. Check out our Instagram on Wednesday for the Zoom info!

An Adult Journey discipleship class on C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity is on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. on Zoom. You'll get access to teaching videos ahead of time, then join in live discussion each Wednesday with Dr. Eric Wickman. You must sign up here to get access to the course.

We are hosting LIVE prayer gatherings on our Facebook page at noon on Mondays -Thursdays. One of our ministers will lead us in a short time of scripture and prayer.

Please continue to talk with your Life Group members, check in on each other, and encourage one another!

April 28 Update

Video Highlights:
  2. We are continuing to consult local medical professionals, fellow church leaders, and government officials as we think through putting together a phased plan for regathering as a church.
  3. The ministry team is considering the when, who, what and how of this plan - please continue to pray for us for God's wisdom!
  4. Until further notice, we will continue to pause our in-person gatherings.


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Latest Update

Based on guidance from our local medical and government leaders, and in an effort to be the best neighbors and slow potential spread of the Coronavirus, we are continuing to pause all of our gatherings until further notice. We will keep you updated about ways you can serve and connect during this time through email, social media, and our website. 

Our office is open during regular hours at this time, so please call if you have any needs.

Let's commit together that we will continue to Commune with God, Cultivate Faith and Collide with Culture

Ways to Commune with God
  • We will continue to livestream a Classic worship service at 9:30 on Sundays and a Modern service at 11 a.m. on Sundays. You can watch the stream or see playback at firsttemple.org/live or facebook.com/firsttemple.
  • Join us this Sunday (online!) as we continue our series in 1 Thessalonians with the message Quit Rowing Alone: We're in This Together. 
  • We will also be sharing content for preschool, kids, youth and more throughout the week. Stay tuned! 
Ways to Cultivate Faith
  • Over this season of Lent, join us as we take time to focus on prayer. If you need some help getting started, check out the "Prayer Prompts" section of our First Temple app or online at firsttemple.org/pray.
  • You can also find excellent devotional resources including daily readings and prayer from commonprayer.net. 
  • Reach out by phone to your life group, neighbors and people you know who are in the at risk population (60 and older or have an underlying health concern) and see where you can meet the needs for one another. Some may have needs you can help meet. Some may have a need not at all associated with the coronavirus. This is the time to ask good questions and seek to be “hilariously generous”  to those who worship alongside you.
  • We are currently working to partner life groups together to ensure people are having needs met. The church is family. Families check in on each other.  
Ways to Collide with Culture
  • Our community partners are also expecting an increased need in healthy, non-vulnerable volunteers to fill in the gaps for those volunteers who have had to isolate themselves for protection. If you are comfortable and willing, Feed My Sheep (feeding ministry in Temple) and Helping Hands (food pantry and resource center in Belton) could use some help:
  • At Feed My Sheep, click here to go to their website to fill out the volunteer application
  • At Helping Hands, help is needed to delivery meals to those in need. Please contact Bekah Prince at bekah@helpinghandsbelton.org or 817.319.7970 to get signed up. 
  • We want to make sure we stay in a strong financial position to help ministry partners and our highest-need neighbors in the community. To give, download the app or visit firsttemple.org/give.

Earlier this week, First Temple leaders met with other church leaders in our community. We are working together to love well. You'll soon see more ways we are partnering together to love our neighbors well.

March 13 Update

Pastor Joe gives us an update on First Temple's response to Covid-19. 

Video Highlights: 
  • Because there is an active case in Bell County, we will not gather this Sunday, March 15 or for any other church gathering this upcoming week.
  • Instead, join us on Live Stream at 9:30 and 11 a.m (firsttemple.org/live or facebook.com/firsttemple). 
  • We don’t have to go to church to be the church, so continue to be the church by:
    • Practicing the ministry of calming presence
    • Reaching out to your Life Group members, neighbors, and people who are high risk
    • Continuing to give at firsttemple.org/give of the First Temple App
    • Praying – follow the prayer prompts at firsttemple.org/pray
  • We will continue to evaluate the situation and keep you updated.

March 12 Update

Pastor Joe gives us an update on First Temple's response to Covid-19. 

Video Highlights: 
  • “Flatten the Curve” - In an effort to slow the spread of the virus, First Temple will be taking extra precautions (watch the video for a detailed explanation)
  • You are invited to stay home from church if: 
    • You or a family member is sick
    • You traveled during Spring Break
    • You are high risk (60 years or older or have underlying health issues)
  • You’re invited to join us on Live Stream (firsttemple.org/live and facebook.com/firsttemple)
Other things to note:
  • Café Service will be suspended beginning this Sunday 3/15
  • Once there is an active case in Bell County, we will likely pause our gatherings (again, in an effort to help slow the spread of the virus)
In the meantime:
  • Minister to your friends, families, and neighbors
  • Care for the people in your life who are considered high risk (teach them how to order groceries online!)
  • Pray (firsttemple.org/pray for prayer prompts)
  • Practice the ministry of calming presence

Watch services online on Sunday at facebook.com/firstttemple or firsttemple.org/live

Get the First Temple App at https://subsplash.com/firsttemple/app

Give online at firsttemple.org/give or through the First Temple App. 

March 10 Update

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